Created 23-Jun-19
Modified 20-Dec-23
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20190615 | Maze Peak | 2400 summit | 1576 TH | 8.2 km | 978 TA | w/ Peter, Eric, David

Rolling at 4:30am to collect Peter in the SE, David in the NW, then last but not least, Eric at “The Petro” we were soon northwest bound to the Ya Ha Tinda country west of Sundre, the headwaters of the Red Deer River. For me, not an area I have frequented. We used a combo of Peters topo map, Eric’s phone loaded with MapsME, and my ‘cheat box’ (handheld GPS) to determine the best place to begin. Not even a scratch in the bush, this is not a very frequently climbed peak (GR 067285 TH) The climb begins with some light mossy bushpush that soon gave way to steady scree and slabs to gain the ridge. A pleasant steepish traverse of the ridge had us on the peak without incident. After a short stay we traversed to the west outlier for a lunch and look around. David had to descend a little off the west side of the west outlier to retrieve his run-away helmet. Thankfully a juniper snagged it just before it became long-gone-Saskatchewan down a snaggly gully. Lucky David! Lol.

Very pretty country, I enjoyed the drive almost as much as the hike. A stop at the Half Hitch Brewery in Cochrane capped a super day out. We were tempted by the food, but enjoyed a fine brew before parsing out the crew again and heading home.
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