Created 5-Sep-10
Modified 5-Sep-10
Visitors 195
0 photos
August 28, 2010 | Little Hector | 3125m | +- 10-12km | 1260m gain

Little Hector is attached to (but some 2 km north-west of) Mount Hector along the Icefields Parkway about 20km north of the TransCanada highway. Although technically a sub-peak and not marked on most maps it is still over ten thousand feet which is significant elevation is these parts.

I’m not sure exactly when this peak came on my radar but after seeing two trip reports earlier this year I rather set my sights on it. When I proposed this trip to Peter a month or more before actually doing it I warned him “If you do this without me I’ll have to break your legs.” He laughed but I could tell there was a note of fear there. We haven’t connected for very many Super-Saturday’s so far this year but luckily we were able to pull this one off.

Weather-wise it was a day that could have gone against us very quickly as the clouds were swirling in and out of “looks like rain” territory. We got some sun and even relative calm for our stay at the summit which was the fastest hour I’ve ever spent on a peak. The views are amazing. Some fresh snow added some spice considering earlier in the week Calgary finally broke the thirty degrees Celsius threshold for the first time this year.

All in all one of the finest days in the mountains so far this year.
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