Created 4-Oct-14
Modified 20-Dec-23
Visitors 332
31 photos, 1 videos
Three Lakes Valley - Kananaskis, AB | 2510m | 16.1km | 808m rolling gain
Day started with a 6:30am start in Calgary, "Rolling the time back for the season." says Peter, then proceeds to show me his Starbucks coupon for some pumpkin thing. "Oh, rolling the time back so you can get your fru-fru drink??" LOL As it happens, this was quite fortuitous.
Our timing onto the Smith-Dorrien trail was perfect to catch a pair of bull moose sparing right in the middle of the road. We bailed out with cameras in hand, totally in awe of the sheer power these two animals brought to the fight. At one point (while I was changing to a zoom lens) one had the other right upside down. After several rounds with breathers in between they moved on, as did we, our days made. We decided the only way to top it was to come across a wolverine eating a whooping crane.
Our original objective was Tent Ridge but the weather was looking far more valleyish than ridgeyish so we redirected our efforts to Three Lakes Valley. The approach is the popular Chester Lake trail, past the Elephant rocks, and on up to the valley. The larch are fading but still added a touch of spice to the landscape. The first lake offered great reflections and while Peter crushed a couple wraps I took 50 or 60 frames of the lake. The last two lakes had drained down significantly and the further we headed up the valley the more desolate and wintery it became. Once we'd had enough of an explore up the valley, and discussed possible extensions, we headed back the way we had come.
Spectacular way to end larch season.
© Clayton Ditzler