Created 12-Oct-20
Modified 20-Dec-23
2020.10.10 | East Peak Wendell | 2302 Max | 1355 TH | 15.6km | 1785 TA | w/ Peter & David
Other nearby trips like Yamnuska and Association have put this area on our radar. Up and over the Yam shoulder is familiar ground and adds some significant elevation to the route, likely reducing it’s popularity. Once at the base of the mountain we first lunched at some spectacular pinnacles before traversing around to the scramble route. A pleasing combo of slabs, scree, and hands on greeted us, sometimes options for more or less of one or another was possible – so I took a more hands on approach at times. The ridge had fine views and looming nasty weather the west was mildly concerning but aside from a few wind blown drops of rain we remained largely in the sun for the day. On the return trip we had some monotonous bush whacking/pine dodging to do and a discussion about the pleasant smells of fall ensued. We decided to invent a line of cologne with this smell but “Autumn Rot” wasn’t going to fly. Many kilometers later we settled on “Rufous Hombre” with Ricardo Montalbán voiced advertisements and slogans. Technically he’s dead, but since this is Fantasy hiking, that matters little. It passes the time and provides some good laughs. Peter treated us to a pumpkin spiced beer at the trailhead, which was a great way to wrap up the day.
© Clayton Ditzler