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Created 14-Dec-10
Modified 7-Apr-24
Visitors 465
52 photos
This gallery contains photos of Silverland Camp located ten minutes west of High River. The Silverland Camp Society manages the camp on behalf of High River Scouting and Guiding. The primary focus is to provide camping and outdoor focused activities for local youth and the facility is available for rental to other groups depending on availability and suitability at the discretion of the board.

The camp is sited on +-18 acres of land adjacent to an oxbow of the Highwood river. The majority of the grounds are natural cottonwood and willow forest with some open ‘meadow’ areas used for wide games or camping. Buildings include the Main Hall (heated for meetings, activities, & sleeping) The Servus Cookhouse (for cooking, eating, wood burning fireplace), Latrine building & woodshed.

Outdoor activities include canoeing or skating on the oxbow, orienteering, snowshoeing*, pioneering (lashing)*, wide games, climbing on the web, wildlife tracking / learning, native plant identification, campfires, archery*, star gazing, camping, survival skills, and much more. (*gear not supplied by camp) These activities are available but may not be suitable for all groups depending on age, experience, training and program restrictions.

For more information or rental opportunities and rates please contact the camp coordinator at [email protected]
or the website:
(Please note that I am no longer involved with this camp, but it still holds many fond memories for me from the years I served on the board and held camps here)
Silverland GroundsSilverland GroundsSilverland main outdoor meeting areaClimbing webClimbing web in actionClimbing web in actionRope bridgeRope BridgeRope BridgeCanoeing on the oxbowCanoeing on the oxbowCanoeing on the oxbowCanoeing on the oxbowFirepit in main areaFirepit in main areaServus cookhouseServus cookhouseServus cookhouseInside cookhouseInside cookhouse