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Created 4-Sep-23
Modified 20-Dec-23
Visitors 0
7 photos
20230826 | Southfork Peak, Anemone (Barnaby Ridge) | ? | ? | ? | ? | solo

Others attempting something out of my range (Haiduk) time for a little solo jaunt to the Castle. This is an area I want to get to know better as it is beautiful and somewhat underated. In terms of Provincial Parks, this is a fairly new one so a newish parking area and new bridge over the river will put this further on the radar and will become busier in the future. I wasn't entirely gassed up for this one so set my day with three high points as possible turn around points - making the turn at the middle one, that a fellow hiker referred to as "Anemone" made sense. A meadow nap on the way down was also in order. I decided if I hit the truck before 4pm I'd go down the road to Castle Mountain ski hill for a beer at Huckleberryfest - 4:15pm at the truck - fine - I could hear the music from the mountain so maybe that kind of loudness isn't in the cards today anyway. lol.