Created 20-Oct-19
Modified 20-Dec-23
20190928 |Pocaterra Cirque | 2418m | 2418m TH | 7.3km | 380m TA | solo
Solo outing. What can I say, its been weird lately - and aside from the fact the usual crew were all occupied it seems I needed a day inside my own head surrounded by my "forgotten step children" aka alpine larch. Settled on this area that I know very well. Mixed bag of weather, it gave me lots of options.
Highlight of the day by far was the sighting of a lynx. Some distance away but I was able to cut its track and get a photo of it's paw print at least.
Early day so dawdled on my way back taking photos of the mountains south of the Highwood Pass and out toward the Longview area. My playground.
© Clayton Ditzler