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Created 7-Mar-21
Modified 20-Dec-23
Visitors 2
14 photos
2021-03-07 | Saskatoon Mountain (Crowsnest Pass) | 1832 max | 1338 TH | 8.9km | 744 TA (494 diff) | w/ Shannon

Starting out in a little park in Coleman the trail follows Miner's Path alongside Nez Perce Creek and then basically north over a few minor rise and falls toward a somewhat non-descript highpoint “Saskatoon Mountain”. Thankfully the trail more or less follows in the lee of the landforms protecting hikers from the blasts of west wind. All the trees along this route show the effects of living in a very windy place. Forecast wind was in the 40kmph range plus gusts, so not too bad considering where we were. Mix of sun and cloud, we shared Shannon’s lunch and some jerky and skittles from the bottom of my pack while my lunch had a little nap on the kitchen counter. Hate it when that happens! Pretty quiet day on the trail only seeing one other party part way up and a few punters in park and along the lower section of creek.
Falls on Nez Perce creekView SW as we toil up the slopes out of the treesBig FIR!Everything leans East or NE.Long dead pine snagProstrate pine along the ridgeMore stunted hardy firsSummit of Saskatoon Mountain with Crowsnest mt beyondCrowsnest and the seven sistersFunny freeze of her faffing with her hair in the wind.  "Hi there"DriftsA little sub-peak we detoured to"Dinky" the worlds largest piggy bank.I had no idea this was here...