Created 23-Mar-10
Modified 24-Jan-24
Amur Cherry: (Prunus maackii)
A good alternative when a bit larger tree is desired however they must have good drainage.
Size and Characteristics: Amur Cherry mature at approx. 5m (16’) spread and 7m (23’) tall. One of their most unique characteristics is the amber colored exfoliating (or peeling) bark. This provides some valuable winter interest to the landscape. The flowers are similar to the Schubert Cherry but the fruit are smaller and only for the birds. On rare occasions they will fall and stain decks etc. that are below. Fall color is golden yellow.
Pests and Diseases: More susceptible to sunscald than the other cherries and also more sensitive to poor drainage. Occasionally develops weak crotches as they mature but can be managed by a competent arborist.
© Clayton Ditzler