Created 20-Nov-14
Modified 20-Nov-14
For ten years Jason has been making the trek into the Elizabeth Parker ACC hut in O'Hara at this time of year for an overnight of cards and 'stuff', hence this is the 'tin anniversary'. The summer road becomes a winter ski/snowshoe route of approx 11km. Despite several invites in past years this was the first year that kids sports or an ill timed work conference has not interfered.
It was a fun trip, first time I've been on x-country skis in years. The snow was a bit thin on some sun exposed lower bits, made slightly worse by parks maintenance snowmobiles stirring up rocks. The upper bit was great and made for some fast downhill sections on the way out. My feet (currently undergoing physiotherphy for plantar fasciitis) were sore on Saturday morning but by the end of my early morning trip down to the lake/lodge area they were good enough to manage the ski out. In future years I'd like to explore a bit more before leaving.
© Clayton Ditzler