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Created 24-Jan-21
Modified 20-Dec-23
Visitors 3
15 photos
20210121 | Yates Mountain (Barrier Lake fire lookout) & Jewel pass | 2023 max | 1387 TH | 17.1 km | 787 TA | w/ Eric, Peter, David

Super Thursday! All had the day off, or engineered it that way. Super! A very biting wind blasted us as we crossed the dam (icecream headache) but once in the trees all was good with the world. We all have spikes so those helped on the ice / packed snow trail to Prairie View where the first real views appear. Lunch at the Barrier lake fire lookout (Yates Mountain) before returning to Prairie view to loop Jewel pass trail with a side trip to Jewel bay backcountry campsite. Fun day getting caught up as with the Covid thing still oppressing our abilities to do much else but hike in a nicely socially distanced group.

Ended the day with a little shoot in a field west of town that I've been eyeing while driving elsewhere.
The single frame from the dam.  Dam it was cold!Peak spotting and sun basting.Prairie view.  careful with the spikes on bare rock!Barrier lookoutBarrier lookoutJust right of centre = city of cowsThe ridge downFabel to Yam.  Some I've climbedBridge along the Jewel pass trail.View of Jewel bay from the backcountry siteJewel bay backcountry site (kitchen  / firepit area)A field with some drifted snow and bales I've been eyeing.A field with some drifted snow and bales I've been eyeing.A field with some drifted snow and bales I've been eyeing.