Created 20-Sep-21
Modified 20-Dec-23
2021-09-18 | Bishop Ridge | TH |Max | km |1200m TA | w/ Peter & David
Originally we were heading to the Castle but high winds and cloudy conditions (rain forecast in most places as well) had us scrambling for a new objective. I grabbed the Highwood map and after some consideration we chose Bishop Ridge in the Highwood. I had previously been over part of this route on the way to Loomis lake some years prior (2014?) and was prepared for the ford of the Highwood and subsequent crossings of Loomis and then Bishop creeks but not the for alderfest on part of the approach. Once leaving the Loomis lake trail we had about 3km of 6-12’ high alders that mostly choked the old exploration road. A family of spruce grouse punctuated this section of trail. There were open bits as well, but with the small sprinkling of rain and the springy nature of the alders it was an effort to make forward progress with much speed. On the way back the bushes were very wet and it was like being in a giant salad spinner. At any rate, once clear of that bit of a challenge we saw larch (which VERY briefly were lit by sun when it stabbed through a small hole in the fast moving clouds) and were overtaken by a curious bighorn sheep ewe on the way up the ridge. Winds, gropple, and cold stabby rain followed us up the ridge. After taking in the views we descended to a drizzly but cozy spot in the larches for a lunch break before the soaking in the avy slope and alders. Poor David was very wet and cold by the time we reached the last crossing of the Highwood and was uncharacteristically not ready to suffer. Lol. Larch season save on a poorish weather day, all good in the end.
© Clayton Ditzler